請問月結30天 與 Net 30 days 的不同? - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 如題請問月結30天 與 Net 30 days 的差別... ... 知識問題| 請問月結30天 與 Net 30 days 的不同? 發問者: 小雅 ( 初學者 5 級) 發問時間: 2006-01-05 11:15:25 解決時間:
net 30 days credit - 相關部落格
請教各位高手:Net 30 days 和Credit 30 days區别在哪裡? - 深圳房地產資訊網論壇 好象不是差不多的意思哦,因為我收到一份報價單,上面列有好幾種可供選擇的付款方式, 其中有兩項就是Net 30 days 和credit 30 days ,如果是一樣的意思,他大可以不必都列 出來呀。 [踏實](2007-7-3 23:42:43): 我是GG 一般 Net 30 days 是指實數30天.例如今天是7 ...
normal payment term is 30 days credit after receipt 什麼意思?_知道 提問者採納: 從英語這句字面看不出是信用證付款,倒應該是收到貨後30天憑信用(credit)付款 樓下的那位同學,不要教條,信用證可能會簡寫為credit,但是 ...
30 Day Net Credit Application - Docstoc: Make Your Business Better 30 Day Net Credit Application document sample ... P.O. Box 12063 Birmingham, AL 35202 888-322-4377 Phone 888-628-5678 Fax BUSINESS CREDIT APPLICATION FOR NET 30 DAY TERMS Please fill out and fax back to our Accounting ...
What businesses offer net 30 day credit to new businesses with no personal guarantee? GOOD LUCK GUY.... I OWN A MEGA COLLECTION AGENCY.. 1-888-732-4675 IF YOU EVER NEED US, BUT I ADVISE ALL OF MY CLIENTS! NEVER LEAVE OUT THE PERSONAL GUARANTEE ON YOUR CREDIT APP!
APPLICATION FOR CREDIT – Terms are Net 30 Days, OAC www.anaheimautomation.com 910 East Orangefair Lane Anaheim, CA 92801 714-992-6990 714-992-0471, Fax APPLICATION FOR CREDIT – Terms are Net 30 Days, OAC Company or Individual Applying for Credit
Net 30 Credit Terms • The Strategic CFO 24 Jul 2013 ... The credit terms 2% 10 net 30 means the customer gets a 2% discount if the bill is paid within 10 days. Otherwise, the full amount of the bill is ...
Credit Terms and Cost of Credit - AccountingTools Credit Terms and the Associated Cost of Credit. ... For example, under 2/10 net 30 terms, you would divide 20 days into 360, to arrive at 18. You use this number ...
Sales on Credit and Credit Terms | AccountingCoach In fact, one study found that if the credit term is net 30 days, the money, on average, arrived 45 days after the invoice date. In order to speed up these payments, ...